Honey B. Lovely

AAC Light-Heavyweight M2S

Copy & Paste PF Description

πŸ”— thepfstr.at/m2s


Braindead B2
0 Hearts stack South, 1 Hearts stack North > Rotate CW

Tank will drag the boss North for Alarm Pheromones #1, then party will run around the arena Mario Kart style to dodge the baited AOEs

A2: Supp NW DPS SE
For Alarm Pheromones #2, Supports will prioritize North/West for safe spots, DPS South/East (including the light party stacks at the end)

Colour Defamations
When players go out for defamations during Beat 3 they will go out to the wall on their Clock spot, and when taking tower, take the tower relating to the Clock spot colour

Rotten @ 6
Stack in the middle when your debuff reaches 6s during Rotten Heart phase

Pre-pull Set-up

Waymark Placement

standard cardinal letters, intercardinal numbers
colour partners for stack mechanics

PLayer Positions

DPS take intercardinals, Supports on cardinals
Supps rotate CCW for partners

Mechanic Breakdown

Beat 2 (Braindead / 0-S 1-N)

πŸ”—RaidplanΒ  πŸ”—Video Example

All players with 0 hearts will stack South, while the players with 1 heart will stack North.

Wait for the puddles to appear under the South players before each group starts to slowly rotate Clockwise.

Halfway through the rotation 2 of the 1-heart players will get an AOE, these players will move out, and the other 1-heart players will each soak a tower that appeared.

Alarm Pheremones #1 (MK N)

πŸ”—Video Example

After the tankbuster, the Tank will drag the boss to the North side of the arena.Β 

Wait until 4 bee-lines go out to the players stacked North with the Tank, then start rotating Clockwise around the room, taking care not to speed too far ahead. Stay tight with the group, don't stray too far into the middle, and it should be a painless trip.

Nobody has a good raidplan/toolbox for this so please reference the linked video example above (timestamped).

Alarm Pheremones #2 (Supp NW DPS SE)

As the strat suggests, Supports will prioritize the safe spots that appear North and West, while the DPS will prioritize the safe spots that appear East and South.Β 

When everyone has dropped a puddle, the same priority positions will hold true for the light party stacks that come after. Supports in the NW corner, DPS in the SE corner.

Beat #3 (Clock Defamations / Colour Towers)

πŸ”—Raidplan Β 

At the beginning of Beat 3 all players will get a defamation debuff timer. The role that gets the "short" timer, being the debuff that starts at ~20s, will go out to blow up their defamations first after dodging either Center- or Outer-stage Formation.

When going out to spread for defamations, go to your clock spot. Supports will typically be on the cardinals, while DPS will typically be on the intercardinals.

Once the defamations resolve, then it's safe for the middle role players to take their corresponding colour tower (the orientation of the towers can be different, so always look towards your clockspot colour!).

Rotten Heart (Rotten @ 6s)

Make sure to spread out to your clock spot position when this mechanic starts, but don't be too far away so that you can catch all the heals/mits.

As long as everyone is healed up and looks healthy, when your debuff reaches 6s be standing under the boss so you and the other person with 6s can blow it up.