The Weapon's Refrain
Stormblood Ultimate
Copy & Paste PF Description
keep Garuda center for sisters, party will stack on the SE marker to bait Mistral Song
orient towards the nails like so: β’ Β (top is new North, bottom is South)
nail kill order: SE > SW > NE > NW (it's a Z pattern, if you didn't guess that already)
both Tanks soak the first and second orbs together, MT soaks the last two orbs alone
in the Suppression phase after the gaol is broken and after the second Feather Rain party will stack on B marker to bait landslides, move to 4 marker when landslide appears, then back to B marker again (except for Tank who is intercepting Mesohigh) to bait the last Feather Rain
Learning / Guides
Learning / Guides
This page assumes that you understand the fundamentals of the fight. The tldr; covers what you'll see in the PF description, but you can continue to the Mechanic Breakdown to read more on each phase.
If you are still learning the fight there are plenty of decent guides out there:
π Clees Guide
This guide is a little out-dated but is a commonly linked one
What is AutoMarker?
Some (most) parties will either say "Need AM" or "Have AM" - this means using an ACT plugin that will auto-mark (thus: AM) the players that have been chosen for gaols with 1/2/3 to denote where they need to place their gaol in relation to Titan.
This page will explain a method for Titan gaols without using AM, but in case you can only find (or only want) parties who require AM then please refer to the link below:
π TOS WARNING: click me if you don't care!
Pre-pull Set-up
Waymark Placement
A/B/C/D/1 - Usages
Garuda - Healers + OT take mistral at B
Ifrit - orientingΒ during nails & dashes
Titan - lined up for Titan gaols
4 - Usages
Garuda - party will stack here for Garuda sisters
Suppression - gaol will be placed/broken out on 4, then party will go B-4-B for Titan landslides
2/3 - Usages
Suppression - use the 3 marker (acting as Garuda) to denote Suppression spots before Ultima is targetable
Primal Roulette - party starts PR at 2, dodging to 3 for Ifrit eruptions
Player Positions
- choose 2 DPS players (usually melee) to stay out for frictions and determine which of them wants to cleanse first
- between the other 2 DPS (usually range) choose who will take the mistral (usually caster) in Garuda phase and who will take the South tether in Annihilation (usually phys range)
- choose 2 players (usually range) to bait eruptions and which side each will take (E/W)
- for 2/2/1/1 both tanks will take the first two orbs, then one of them (usually the MT) will take the 1/1
- phys range with Thermal Low will take the first tether from Garuda to the South
- line up along the wall using the 3 marker as a placeholder for where Garuda spawns
- tanks will position between D/C markers, mistral players will stack up behind them
- party will stack on B for first landslide bait and feather rain bait
Mechanic Breakdown
π Toolbox
MT holds Garuda center, baiting X North. OT and Healers position East for Mistral, DPS stay South.
After Mistral, MT pulls Garuda to D. OT will pick up the Spiny Plume ASAP when they spawn.
OT Tip: save an insta-cast or provoke to ensure you're the first to get the Spiny
Let the OT get two stacks of Thermal Low from the Spiny before killing it.Β
The OT will stay outside of the cleansing puddle the entire phase. The rest of the party (incl. MT) will be inside of the cleansing puddle and the two DPS will stay out for the first two Frictions.
After the first two Frictions, party moves out behind Garuda. After getting a heal the first DPS will cleanse, then after waiting for HP to be topped the second DPS will cleanse before the puddle disappears.
Party should stack up behind Garuda to bait Feather Rain twice before moving to C for the Tanks to intercept the sisters that spawn on 2 of the cardinals. Wait for Feather Rain again before moving out of the Cyclones left behind.
After cyclones resolve, party should be stacked in the middle again to bait the Mesohigh tethers that appear shortly after another set of plumes show up. The OT with 2 stacks of Thermal Low will take the West Mesohigh, and the Range with 1 stack of Thermal Low will take the East Mesohigh. Kill the plumes ASAP and stack tight.
Note: if your group is NOT min-ilvl, when you see the plumes spawn Garuda's health will be very low, so watch your DPS and stop hitting her if you think that she might die before the Mesohigh tethers go off because you need them to resolve first in order to awaken her and retrieve her cookie/puddle to get into the Ultima phases.
When Garuda dies, party should stack in the middle (and away from her point of death) to prepare for Ifrit's entrance. One of the Healers will pick up Garuda's cookie/puddle.
π Toolbox
As soon as Ifrit makes an entrance at a random cardinal, watch for the plumes to appear and move towards the safe side as soon as you see it (sprint is not required here, but better safe than sorry if you're unsure).
MT will need to grab aggro on Ifrit and tank him on C. Party will stack on A for heals and shields from the healer will prevent players from getting knocked back from the first Vulcan Burst.
MT will invuln for the three consecutive tank busters (Incinerate) then swap with the OT after the third.
Four nails will spawn around the arena in a trapezoid pattern in a random direction (two "close" nails, and two "far" nails). Consider the two "close" nails the new North and orient appropriately. The order to kill these nails is in a "Z" pattern, starting with the SE nail.
Nail Kill Order: SE > SW > NE > NW
When the nails spawn the priority is to kill them in order, but there are a couple of other things you will need pay attention to:
The two farthest players will be baiting four eruptions from the back to the front of the arena (from the "far" nails to the "close" nails). These players should be decided from the pre-pull set-up (typically ranged DPS) and be pre-positioned on their designated sides to run the eruptions from the back to the front, making sure to hit the two nails on their side with two eruptions each.
Infernal Howl
One of the Healers will be targeted for Infernal Howl -- this Healer will move to the very back (between the "far" nails) of the arena at the wall and hang out until the last burst goes off, then join the party in the middle for heals before the next phase.
After the nails die Ifrit will jump away, just stack up for heals (be wary of the Healer with Infernal Howl) and remember the position of the last nail you killed. When Ifrit comes back pull him to the direction of the last nail. If the last nail was on a cardinal, pull him over to the first intercardinal clockwise instead.
Ranged DPS and Healers will need to bait away Eruptions and Infernal Howl again.
The Ranged DPS should start on the South side of the map, and move towards the party, baiting Eruptions together along the way.
The Healer that gets targeted with Infernal Howl should move to the intercard counterclockwise of the party.
By the time the Ranged DPS are done with Eruptions they should be stacked with the party (minus one Healer) and everyone is safe from the Ifrit clone dashes through the cardinals.
The other Healer will then be targeted with Infernal Howl (the first Healer will still have it at this point) and should move away from the party, but ensuring everyone is topped up for the shared cleave shortly after. The first Healer will join the party after Infernal Howl has fallen off, and the remaining Healer with Infernal Howl will position themselves opposite of the party in preparation for the Ifrit dashes.
If you didn't push DPS to skip dashes, Ifrit will jump away and the party needs to position themselves at the nail that was last destroyed (it'll either be the same position you pulled Ifrit to earlier or moving back to the cardinal CCW). The Healer with Infernal Howl will mirror the party on the other side and move in the same direction.
When the Ifrit clones appear, check which one has the blue glow (this also signifies you killed nails correctly and Ifrit is awoken). The clones are identified and will dash in the same order that you killed the nails (as they appear in the same corners that the nails appeared). You will need to run clockwise either short (one pizza slice) or far (two pizza slices).
A quick guide/way to remember how far you are running is as follows:
1st: Short & Fast
2nd: Long & Fast
3rd: Short & Slow
4th: Long & Slow
If #1 or #3 is glowing, you're only moving once over (think odd or divisible by 1 = move once).
If #2 or #4 is glowing, you're moving twice over (think multiples of two = move twice).
#1 and #2 are quick movements, #3 and #4 you have a little more time to run, but if you pop sprint either way you shouldn't have to worry about it. Don't move when you reach the safe spot until the dashes resolve.Β
Tip: try to turn your camera so you're cutting the arena in half so that you can see either #2/4 or #1/3 and you can quickly deduce which pattern it is.
The Healer with Infernal Howl will have one more burst before it's safe for them to move in and join the party. At this point, Ifrit should be nearly dead. The OT should pull Ifrit to the wall (wherever the party ended up) and the party should move out of the way to avoid the incoming cleaves and tank buster (invuln this again. Stay near the wall to prepare for the phase change into Titan. If you don't kill Ifrit by the end of the tank buster, the ranged DPS should prepare to bait Eruptions away from the party.
When Ifrit dies, party should stack against the wall and avoid running into the cookie/puddle left over. The ranged/caster DPS will pick this one up AFTER Titan drops.
π Toolbox
When Titan jumps down he will do some proximity-based damage and then a large aoe, followed by a tank buster and double Weight of the Land. Cooldown/shield as necessary and bait the aoes.
Every time Titan turns a direction and jumps away, quickly move to the opposite side of the arena in front of the disappearing arena indicator. The damage from Titan's return is proximity based and will always cause the platform to shrink.
The first jump will lead into bombs + gaols. Once he lands, immediately move infront of his hitbox, but save your sprint. Bombs will appear on the opposite side, with only one small safe spot either on the left or right-hand side.
Position for bombs: stand on the very center of Titan's hitbox arrow, if the empty spot is on the left, move to the very left side of the arrow. If the empty spot is on the right, move to the very right side of the arrow.
Once everyone gets knocked back, make small adjustments into the safe spot if necessary (you don't have much time for movement here, so make sure you're getting knocked back as accurately as you can) and prepare to hit sprint and start moving forward to avoid the bomb dropping in the former safe spot.
Players should start running through the middle to make it easier for gaol players to position in their markers after the second landslide. If you don't get marked, dodge to the opposite side of where the safe spot was and forwards towards Titan, making sure to dodge any landslides coming your way.
If you're one of the three players to get marked for gaol, dodge the first landslide to the same side as the former safe spot and spread out according to your gaol priority, baiting the second landslide away from the middle. Gaol players do not have to worry about the third landslide as they will be locked in place and be unaffected by it by the time it goes off.Β
First priority is always the marker directly infront of Titan, second is the middle marker, and third is the marker at the back closest to the bomb.
The first and second waymarks are pretty straight-forward, but the third waymark is the most important one and has a bit of nuance. Be sure to avoid the aoe from the bombs dropping before positioning yourself in the third waymark.
There are a couple ways PF deals with priority for gaols:
Gaols + AutoMarker
If your group is using AM follow the order on your head if you get marked. The order will be consistent for each group that sets it up, so you can expect to only take one or two of the positions every time. The only way the markers might get messy is if someone dies, or if the MT does not have proper aggro.
Refer to the resources above if you are the one setting AM up, otherwise just sit back and pay attention if you get marked.
Gaols + Macro
Each player should have the following macro accessible on their hotbar:
/mk attack <me>
The players that get marked with gaol should press this macro as soon as the animation appears on their character, which will in turn mark each gaol player in an order.
This method requires each player to be extremely cognizant and quick on pressing the macro if marked. Quickly find your position, dodge the landslides accordingly and get gaoled in line with your designated priority waymark.
Macro Video Example: